What we do

Sustainability is an integral part of Röhm´s business strategy worldwide. As a specialized chemical company with a global footprint we build our business on safety, compliance and sustainable innovation. We want to create sustainable value.

Why we do it

We want to create sustainable value and take responsibility for the limited resources of our planet. We see the challenges we face as an opportunity to develop new products and business models that allow us to differentiate and grow sustainably.

How we do it

We understand sustainable value creation as a overarching effort. With targeted investments and innovations and in close cooperation with customers and partners, we seize opportunities for sustainable growth.

Overarching ESG context

Our understanding of sustainable growth: As a specialized chemical company with a global footprint we build our business on safety, compliance and sustainable innovation.

“At Röhm, we see environmental protection, social responsibility and good corporate governance - in short, sustainable management - as the basis for profitable growth and as an opportunity to offer innovative solutions that set us apart from the competition.”

Hans-Peter Hauck

Chief Operating Officer








Our committment to sustainability

For us at Röhm, leading a strong and future-oriented business means to act economically and ecologically sustainable, every step of the way. This includes ensuring safety for all who work with us, preserving precious resources, and striving for continuous improvement of our solutions to protect our planet.

We strive for sound corporate governance, complying with all legal requirements and maintaining a balanced control system, and economic sustainability by introducing sustainable market solutions that are viable for the future, for us and our customers.

Additional information

Röhm on the path to climate neutrality 2050

  • Significant reduction of carbon dioxide emissions
  • Development and market introduction of new sustainable products
  • Circular economy for the entire product life cycle

Press release: Röhm on the Path to Climate Neutrality 2050

Wir haben viel erreicht in 2023

Mit einem verbesserten Ergebnis haben wir das Ecovadis-Gold-Rating bestätigt.

Unseren Kund:innen bieten wir inzwischen sieben proTerra Produkte mit reduziertem CO₂-Fußabdruck.

Wir haben einen zeitlich begrenzten Klimaschutzplan entwickelt, um unseren Corporate Carbon Footprint bis 2030 um 30 % zu reduzieren.

302 neue Lieferanten durchliefen ein spezielles Präqualifizierungsverfahren.

Unsere Wasserstressanalyse umfasst alle 13 Produktionsstandorte weltweit.

Vorfälle von korruptem oder wettbewerbswidrigem Verhalten sind uns nicht bekannt.

Der Anteil von Frauen in der Gesamtbelegschaft in Deutschland erhöhte sich auf 25 Prozent.

Wir haben eine weltweit geltende Politik zu Diversität und Inklusion.

Wir bilden derzeit in Deutschland 185 junge Menschen in zwölf Berufen aus. Das entspricht einer Ausbildungsrate von sieben Prozent.

Die Gesamtzahl der meldepflichtigen Unfälle gemäß OSHA lag bei 0,72.